Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Name for The BabyGirl

Leading up to the BabyGirl's 1-yr birthday back in April, I knew that i was going to have to get a new name for her.  Once she turned one, she technically wasn't a BabyGirl anymore.  But i wanted her to keep on being my baby, so we still called her BabyGirl.

And the truth is, "BabyGirl" isn't just what we call her on this blog; we call her BabyGirl all the time.  For the first few months of her life, we hardly ever called her by her name.  Which is funny, that you spend so much time and effort to pick out just the right name for your little lady, and then you don't even use the name you worked so hard for.  After a while we decided that we should call her by her name every now and then so she would know what her name is.

It seems that the age group from 12 months to 18 months is kind of an abyss.  The child is no longer a baby, but isn't yet a toddler, so they are more of a "twoddler" (haha! like "tween", except for babies).  Babywise calls it the "pre-toddler" phase, which is a good description.  And it allowed me to keep having a BabyGirl, because she wasn't a toddler yet.

Well, now she is 17 months old.  In a month she will be a bona fide toddler, and then we'll have to get serious about finding a new name for her.  "ToddlerGirl" just doesn't have the same ring to it.  I suppose that i could keep calling her BabyGirl, but we would all understand amongst ourselves that it's only a pretense. 

She has a ton of other nicknames besides BabyGirl, such as BabyCakes, SweetieCakes, HoneyCakes, BabyMuffins, and MuffinPie.  Wow, it sounds like all we think about is dessert!  None of those nicknames sound right for a blog code name, though.  I've been thinking about it off and on for several months, and i just can't come up with anything.  "PreciousLittleGirlWhoIsn'taBabyAnymore" takes way too long to type.  Any suggestions?

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